The Cambridge Review of International Affairs (CRIA) is a peer-reviewed journal, publishing innovative scholarship on international affairs from across the social sciences, including international relations, history, law, political economy, area studies, development studies and gender studies. We are committed to a diversity of approach and method and encourages the submission of multi and interdisciplinary contributions from academics and policymakers.
CRIA is edited by a team of doctoral students in the University of Cambridge’s Department of Politics and International Studies. The current Co-Editors-in-Chief are Connor O'Brien and Taif Alkhudary. CRIA is published six times a year by Taylor and Francis.
CRIA contributes to scholarly debate by publishing original research articles which discuss pertinent and topical theoretical, empirical and methodological questions. We also publish book review forums and responses, and ‘special issues’ which investigate a certain theme or topic in depth. The submission of articles from panels, workshops, and conferences for joint publication is encouraged.
To contribute to our online content, or if you have any questions about CRIA, please contact the editors.